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Diabète sucré canin

Davison LJ, Herrtage ME, Catchpole B. (2005)
Etude réalisée au Royaume-Uni sur 253 chiens souffrant de diabète sucré.
Veterinary Record 156(15):467-471.

Monroe WE, Laxton DJ, Fallin EA and others (2005)
Efficacité et innocuité d’une suspension d’insuline porcine purifiée destinée au traitement du diabète chez le chien J Vet Intern Med 19:675-682.

Davison LJ, Ristic JME, Herrtage ME, Ramsey IK and Catchpole B. (2002)
Anti-Insulin Antibodies in Diabetic Dogs Treated With Two Different Insulin Preparations.
Proceedings 12th ECVIM-CA/ESVIM Congress 19-21 September 2002 Munich Germany, J vet Int Med 16(5):636-637.


McManus K and Playford M(2001)
Evaluation of an insulin-zinc suspension for control of naturally occurring diabetes mellitus in dogs.
Australian Veterinary Journal 79(2):113-4.

Monroe W, Laxton DJ and Robertson JL.(2001)
Efficacy and Safety of Caninsulin®, Purified Porcine Insulin for Treating Diabetic Dogs
19th ACVIM Forum Denver, Colorado, 23-26 May 200: Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 15:pp. 309 (#150)

Horn B and Mitten RW(2000)
Evaluation of an insulin zinc suspension for control of naturally occurring diabetes mellitus in dogs.
Australian Veterinary Journal 78(12):831-4.

Graham PA, Nash AS and McKellar QA. (1997)
Pharmacokinetics of a porcine insulin zinc suspension in diabetic dogs.
Journal of Small Animal Practice 38(10):434-8.

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Diabète sucré felin

Reusch CE. (2005)
Surveillance et traitement du chat diabétique
Compte rendu du 15 ème congrès annuel de l’ECVIM-CA, 1 au 3 septembre 2005, Glasgow, Ecosse. pp. 125-127.

Michiels L.on behalf of the European Feline Diabetes Study Group (2002)
The efficacy and safety of Caninsulin® in cats with uncomplicated diabetes mellitus: Preliminary results
Journal of Small Animal Practice 43:xi


Martin GJ and Rand JS(2001)
Pharmacology of a 40 IU/ml porcine lente insulin preparation in diabetic cats: findings during the first week and after 5 or 9 weeks of therapy.
Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 3(1):23-30


Martin GJ and Rand JS(2000)
The efficacy Of 40 iu/ml porcine lente insulin for the treatment of feline diabetes mellitus.
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 14(2):23


Michiels L.on behalf of the European Feline Diabetes Study Group (2000)
A clinical study of the efficacy and safety of Caninsulin® in cats with uncomplicated diabetes mellitus: Preliminary results
In, Proceedings of the European Society of Veterinary Internal Medicine 10th Congress 14-16 September 2000, Neuchatel, Switzerland:pp. 32


Horspool LJI, Martin GJW and Rand JS(1999)
The efficacy of 40 iu/ml porcine lente insulin for the treatment of feline diabetes mellitus.
9th Annual Congress of the European Society of Veterinary Internal Medicine 14-16 October 1999, Perugia, Italy:186


Martin GJ and Rand JS(1999)
The pharmacokinetics of 40 IU/ml porcine lente insulin in diabetic cats
24th World Small Animal Veterinary Congress 23-26 September 1999, Lyon, France


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Informations générales

Casella M, Wess G, Reusch CE

Measurement of capillary blood glucose concentrations by pet owners: a new tool in the management of diabetes mellitus.

J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. 2002 May-Jun;38(3):239-45


Wess G, Reusch C

Capillary blood sampling from the ear of dogs and cats and use of portable meters to measure glucose concentration.

J Small Anim Pract. 2000 Feb;41(2):60-6


Panciera DL, Thomas CB, Eicker SW, Atkins CE
Epizootiologic patterns of diabetes mellitus in cats: 333 cases (1980-1986).

J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1990 Dec 1;197(11):1504-8
